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D U C   2 0 0 4:   Submissions

NIST has defined a standardized format for submissions from DUC summarization systems. Here are two XML DTDs for a:

Here is a partial example of a site's submission for two tasks.

The entire set of summaries generated by a given participating group, i.e., that group's task-level submissions combined into one DUC 2004 submission, should be submitted as simple ASCII text in the body of one email to [email protected] using the formats defined above.

Please validate your DUC 2004 submission before emailing it to NIST. Use the XML validator of your choice. For example, "javac sax.SAXCount -v YOURFILE" from the Xerxes 1.x XML package or an XML validator such as the one provided via the Web by the Brown University Scholarly Technology Group.

Submitted runs

DUC 2004 participants have been busy! We received a total of 145 runs, which yield the following numbers of summaries by task:

Task 1   19,487 
Task 2    1,699 
Task 3    5,280 
Task 4      671 
Task 5     1100 

For data, past results, mailing list or other general information
contact: Lori Buckland ([email protected])
For other questions contact: Paul Over ([email protected])
Last updated: Thursday, 26-Apr-2012 15:50:03 EDT
Date created: Friday, 19-Dec-03