1 Does the summary build from sentence to sentence to a coherent body of information about the topic? A. Very coherently B. Somewhat coherently C. Neutral as to coherence D. Not so coherently E. Incoherent 2 If you were editing the summary to make it more concise and to the point, how much useless, confusing or repetitive text would you remove from the existing summary? A. None B. A little C. Some D. A lot E. Most of the text 3 To what degree does the summary say the same thing over again? A. None; the summary has no repeated information B. Minor repetitions C. Some repetiton D. More than half of the text is repetitive E. Quite a lot; most sentences are repetitive 4 How much trouble did you have identifying the referents of noun phrases in this summary? Are there nouns, pronouns or personal names that are not well-specified? For example, a person is mentioned and it is not clear what his role in the story is, or any other entity that is referenced but its identity and relation with the story remains unclear A. No problems; it is clear who/what is being referred to throughout. B. Slight problems, mostly cosmetic/stylistic C. Somewhat problematic; some minor events/things/people/places are unclear,or a very few major ones, but overall the who and what are clear. D. Rather problematic; enough events/things/people/places are unclear that parts of the summary are hard to understand E. Severe problems; main events, characters or places are not well-specified and/or it's difficult to say how they relate to the topic 5 To what degree do you think the entities (person/thing/event/place/...) were re-mentioned in an overly explicit way, so that readability was impaired? For example, a pronoun could have been used instead of a lengthy description, or a shorter discription would have been more appropriate? A. None: references to entities were acceptably explicit B. A little: once or twice, an entity was over-described C. Somewhat: to a noticeable but not annoying degree, some entities were over-described D. Rather problematic: to a degree that became distracting, entities were over-described E. A lot: reintroduction of characters and entities made reading difficult/caused comprehension problems 6 Are there any obviously ungrammatical sentences, e.g., missing components, unrelated fragments or any other grammar-related problem that makes the text diffcult to read. A. No noticeable grammatical problems B. Minor grammar problems C. Some problems, but overall acceptable D. A fair amount of grammatical errors E. Too many problems, the summary is impossible to read 7 Are there any datelines, system-internal formatting or capitalization errors that can make the reading of the summary difficult? A. No noticeable formatting problems B. Minor formatting problems C. Some, but they do not create any major difficulties D. A fair amount of formatting problems E. Many, to an extent that reading is difficult